Leakages & Anticoagulants

California Institute of the Arts

Directed by Rachel Park 

Written by DaVID Gaìtan

Tools: Logic, QLab 3

The play was based on Crime and Punishment. Raskolnikov murders an old woman for what he believes is the good of society. He then has to continue to rationalize his crime to himself and deal with the guilt that plagues him. Raskolnikov's inner consciences were portrayed as four actors onstage.

Sound was an ongoing and powerful, yet subtle part of this production. Because the audience viewed the play from his perspective and followed his internal struggle, it was important that the soundscape represent the noise in his head and body. The sonic environment represented the toll his mental sickness was taking on his body.  Even ordinary sounds such as room tones were more noticeable than in every day life to represent the pressure he felt. Sound was a presence until the very end when he confessed his crime, then it was quiet to represent the quiet in his head. 

Lighting by John Delfino; Set by Nina Caussa; Costumes by Amy Milan.

Lighting by John Delfino; Set by Nina Caussa; Costumes by Amy Milan.